Saturday, December 28, 2019

A List of Radioactive Elements

This is a list or table of elements that are radioactive. Keep in mind, all elements can have radioactive isotopes. If enough neutrons are added to an atom, it becomes unstable and decays. A good example of this is tritium, a radioactive isotope of hydrogen naturally present at extremely low levels. This table contains the elements that have no stable isotopes. Each element is followed by the most stable known isotope and its half-life. Note increasing atomic number doesnt necessarily make an atom more unstable. Scientists predict there may be islands of stability in the periodic table, where superheavy transuranium elements may be more stable (although still radioactive) than some lighter elements.This list is sorted by increasing atomic number. Radioactive Elements Element Most Stable Isotope Half-lifeof Most Stable Istope Technetium Tc-91 4.21 x 106 years Promethium Pm-145 17.4 years Polonium Po-209 102 years Astatine At-210 8.1 hours Radon Rn-222 3.82 days Francium Fr-223 22 minutes Radium Ra-226 1600 years Actinium Ac-227 21.77 years Thorium Th-229 7.54 x 104 years Protactinium Pa-231 3.28 x 104 years Uranium U-236 2.34 x 107 years Neptunium Np-237 2.14 x 106 years Plutonium Pu-244 8.00 x 107 years Americium Am-243 7370 years Curium Cm-247 1.56 x 107 years Berkelium Bk-247 1380 years Californium Cf-251 898 years Einsteinium Es-252 471.7 days Fermium Fm-257 100.5 days Mendelevium Md-258 51.5 days Nobelium No-259 58 minutes Lawrencium Lr-262 4 hours Rutherfordium Rf-265 13 hours Dubnium Db-268 32 hours Seaborgium Sg-271 2.4 minutes Bohrium Bh-267 17 seconds Hassium Hs-269 9.7 seconds Meitnerium Mt-276 0.72 seconds Darmstadtium Ds-281 11.1 seconds Roentgenium Rg-281 26 seconds Copernicium Cn-285 29 seconds Nihonium Nh-284 0.48 seconds Flerovium Fl-289 2.65 seconds Moscovium Mc-289 87 milliseconds Livermorium Lv-293 61 milliseconds Tennessine Unknown Oganesson Og-294 1.8 milliseconds Where Do Radionuclides Come From? Radioactive elements form naturally, as a result of nuclear fission, and via intentional synthesis in nuclear reactors or particle accelerators. Natural Natural radioisotopes may remain from nucleosynthesis in stars and supernova explosions. Typically these primordial radioisotopes have half-lives so long they are stable for all practical purposes, but when they decay they form what are called secondary radionuclides. For example, primordial isotopes thorium-232, uranium-238, and uranium-235 can decay to form secondary radionuclides of radium and polonium. Carbon-14 is an example of a cosmogenic isotope. This radioactive element is continually formed in the atmosphere due to cosmic radiation. Nuclear Fission Nuclear fission from nuclear power plants and thermonuclear weapons produces radioactive isotopes called fission products. In addition, irradiation of surrounding structures and the nuclear fuel produces isotopes called activation products. A wide range of radioactive elements may result, which is part of why nuclear fallout and nuclear waste are so difficult to deal with. Synthetic The latest element on the periodic table have not been found in nature. These radioactive elements are produced in nuclear reactors and accelerators. There are different strategies used to form new elements. Sometimes elements are placed within a nuclear reactor, where the neutrons from the reaction react with the specimen to form desired products. Iridium-192 is an example of a radioisotope prepared in this manner. In other cases, particle accelerators bombard a target with energetic particles. An example of a radionuclide produced in an accelerator is fluorine-18. Sometimes a specific isotope is prepared in order to gather its decay product. For example, molybdenum-99 is used to produce technetium-99m. Commercially Available Radionuclides Sometimes the longest-lived half-life of a radionuclide is not the most useful or affordable. Certain common isotopes are available even to the general public in small quantities in most countries. Others on this list are available by regulation to professionals in industry, medicine, and science: Gamma Emitters Barium-133Cadmium-109Cobalt-57Cobalt-60Europium-152Manganese-54Sodium-22Zinc-65Technetium-99m Beta Emitters Strontium-90Thallium-204Carbon-14Tritium Alpha Emitters Polonium-210Uranium-238 Multiple Radiation Emitters Cesium-137Americium-241 Effects of Radionuclides on Organisms Radioactivity exists in nature, but radionuclides can cause radioactive contamination and radiation poisonin if find their way into the environment or an organism is over-exposed. The type of potential damage depends on the type and energy of the emitted radiation. Typically, radiation exposure causes burns and cell damage. Radiation can cause cancer, but it might not appear for many years following exposure. Sources International Atomic Energy Agency ENSDF database (2010).Loveland, W.; Morrissey, D.; Seaborg, G.T. (2006). Modern Nuclear Chemistry. Wiley-Interscience. p. 57. ISBN 978-0-471-11532-8.Luig, H.; Kellerer, A. M.; Griebel, J. R. (2011). Radionuclides, 1. Introduction. Ullmanns Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry. doi:10.1002/14356007.a22_499.pub2 ISBN 978-3527306732.Martin, James (2006). Physics for Radiation Protection: A Handbook. ISBN 978-3527406111.Petrucci, R.H.; Harwood, W.S.; Herring, F.G. (2002). General Chemistry (8th ed.). Prentice-Hall. p.1025–26.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Paradise Lost Analysis - 1958 Words

The Renaissance era represents a complete break with the Middle Ages on a political, philosophical, scientifical and theological scale. Indeed, the discovery of new territories and the expeditions of explorers such as Francis Drake, the resurgence of classic writtings, the new scientific outbreaks of Copernicus, Newton and Galilei as well as the Protestant reformation led by Luther and his 95 Theses, triggered a will for knowledge and a quest for truth, thus putting an end to the intellectual hegemony of the Roman Catholic Church in Western Europe. Intellectuals of this era began to think on mankind, looking for answers outside of the Religious constraints. Written during this context of political and religious upheaval, Paradise Lost, an†¦show more content†¦First, Milton depicts the snake which Satan is possessing, as an incredibly beautiful animal. The main strategy of Satan to try to corrupt the naive mind of Eve is to appear as a magnificent snake. According to the narr ator, his physical appearance is so pleasing that never a snake will be as beautiful (on verse 504 â€Å"pleasing was his shape, and lovely, never since a serpent lovelier†). To describe the snake, the narrator use the lexical field of precious material: â€Å"carbuncle his eyes† on verse 500, â€Å"neck of verdent gold† on verse 501. Here Satan seems to have chosen a snake whose appearance can attract Eve only because his similitude with precious material. In a kind of materialist temptation, he tries to appeal to Eve inner sin of cupidity to seduce her. But there is something paradoxical in the way the snake is depicted as a beautiful creature. Indeed, the snake is often assimilated with death, the venom of some species of snakes such as the cobra can kill a man in less than one hour. It also an animal that generate instinctive fear in most human (and occurence of Ophidiophobia can be found everywhere). Here death and beauty become assimilated in one animal. I t can thus be perceived as personification of the treachery of satan: behind the beaty of his rethoric, of his discourse hides a terrible fates, the banishment of Man from Heaven. This can also underline the interest of humans for macabre, dark topics. We can see since the dawn of ageShow MoreRelatedCritical Analysis Of Paradise Lost1224 Words   |  5 Pages In the epic poem Paradise Lost, author John Milton explores the familiar topics of Heaven and Hell, good and evil, God and Satan; but from a new and [for some] disturbing angle. Overflowing with an abundance of metaphors, extended similes, and countless other literary elements, combined with a rather understanding—and at times, compassionate—tone, Milton challenges society’s comfortable position surrounding the terrible figure of Satan. He treads ever so warily among this topic, but neverthelessRead MoreFeminist Analysis Of Paradise Lost By John Milton1124 Words   |  5 PagesAkejah McLaughlin Professor Jennifer Rohrer-Walsh HON 2010 7 November 2017 Feminist Analysis of Paradise Lost The Book of Genesis is an introductive biblical passage in the Old Testament that summarizes the creation of the universe, humanity, and the downfall of man. Writer John Milton gives an alternate version of this phenomenon in his epic Paradise Lost that illustrates not only the consequences of disobedience from God, but the distinct gender differences between men and women. Through theRead MoreAnalysis Of John Milton s Paradise Lost 1852 Words   |  8 Pagesliterary merit. Do not merely summarize the plot. (2010 AP Literature and Composition) Disobedience and Exile an Analysis of Satan from Milton’s Paradise Lost John Milton’s epic poem, Paradise Lost, has been the subject of criticism and interpretation through many years; these interpretations concur in that Adam and Eve are the sufferers of the poem, and it is their blight to lose Paradise because of their disobedience; however, their exile is merely a plight brought by Satan, and it is he who suffersRead MoreAnalysis Of John Milton s Paradise Lost Essay2201 Words   |  9 PagesEve’s story arc in Paradise Lost, by John Milton, is a bildungsroman, the German word for a â€Å"novel of education.† Eve develops through the five stages of a typical bildungsroman character, as demonstrated by several different works from the genre. It will be useful to discuss several different bildungsromans from different eras and regions to fully determine the necessary characteristics of a bildungsroman, like The Odyssey, To Kill a Mockingbird, David Copperfield, Adventures of Huckleberry FinnRead More Analysis of Satans Speech in i n John Miltons Paradise Lost1010 Words   |  5 PagesAnalysis of Satans Speech in Miltons Paradise Lost      Ã‚  Ã‚   John Miltons Paradise Lost is a work of enduring charm and value because of its theological conceptions, its beautiful language, and its updating of the epic to the modern worlds values. Book II of this epic poem opens with Satans speech to his minions in hell, proposing war on Heaven itself. In these first 44 lines, Satan is clearly established as epic hero, but at the same time is theologically/morally denounced by theRead MoreAnalysis Of John s Milton s Paradise Lost 1636 Words   |  7 Pages This is but one example of Satan’s sympathy toward humanity in Paradise Lost, John’s Milton’s epic poem that details Satan’s involvement in tempting Adam and Eve to rebel against God, and thus be punished with expulsion from the Garden of Eden. In both Christian and Jewish doctrines, Satan is often painted as a malevolent, treacherous being. Further, many readers often view Satan’s decision to tempt Adam and Eve in Paradise Lost as on e that comes from a place of cruelty rather than concern. InRead MoreAnalysis Of John Milton s Paradise Lost 1606 Words   |  7 PagesIn books one, two, four and nine of Paradise Lost, Milton portrays Satan as heroic, introducing freedom and reason to the minds and lives of humanity. Satan allows his subservient fallen angels, as well as Adam and eve to recognize authority, reason and the true meaning of freedom. The beginning of the story is told through Satan’s point of view, making him the first empathetic character the reader is introduced to. From the very beginning of Book One, Satan explains how him and other fellow angelsRead MoreAnalysis Of John Orwell s Paradise Lost 882 Words   |  4 Pagesrecognize multiple examples of conventions in different texts. While each text may not have the same message, they all utilize epic conventions to help communicate a specific message or lesson. In Paradise Lost, Milton effectively uses the conventions of epics to justify the ways of God to humanity. Paradise Lost includes most if not all of the conventions of epics, however several conventions in particular are the ones that best communicate Milton s message. The first convention is a legendary hero whoRead MoreCharacter Analysis Of Adam And Eve In Paradise Lost1567 Words   |  7 PagesOne of Milton’s most compelling interpretations in Paradise Lost and it’s the story o f the creation involve its very first embodiments of mankind, Adam and Eve. The poem’s first depiction of Adam and Eve in their unfallen paradise accentuates their nobility, dignity and perfection, their unfallen aristocratic posture as they rule over the sacred garden of Eden. In this state of innocence, Adam and Eve discover themselves and eventually one another, allowing them to explore and interpret their ownRead MoreAnalysis Of John Milton s The Of Paradise Lost 1122 Words   |  5 Pages Adam and Eve’s Dilemma in Eden The tragic fall of humankind could be considered heroic according to well-known author John Milton. Book IX of Paradise lost portrays this sense of heroism through the sins of Adam and Eve, but also creates a sense of controversy through the unexpected personality swap between Satan and of God. This literary work is a major contribution to biblical and literary history; therefore a reason why this work is still read today. The poem must turn tragic, and Milton asserts

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Affirmative Action Policies and Morality free essay sample

This paper is an analysis of current affirmative action policies. It also refutes the morality of many of the current programs. This paper is a historical analysis of affirmative action in the United States. It covers the period from the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the leaders involved in the decision to pass this amendment to the Constitution, and the motivation behind this historic decision. It then compares the policies of more recent years, and shows how the intentions of the originators of this Act have been manipulated, and how the group that it was intended to benefit from these actions, are now suffering reverse discrimination. From the paper: The Declaration of Independence states, all men are created equal. Our Constitution is based on giving each citizen the same equal rights. However, policies have been implemented since 1961 to go against the words of the founding fathers of this country. Affirmative action is, by definition, a policy or program for correcting the effects of discrimination in the employment or education of members of certain groups or encouragement for increased representation of women and minority-group members, especially in employment. We will write a custom essay sample on Affirmative Action Policies and Morality or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Problems associated with affirmative action include reverse discrimination. Also, merit and accomplishments may be replaced by the requirement of a quota for a certain race or gender.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Satchel Paige free essay sample

The exact date of Satchel Pages birth was never confirmed, so no one really knows how old he was when he died. The biography focuses most on the time in his life when he played baseball for the minor African-American leagues. It follows the story of how he worked his way up to be one of the first African-American men in major league baseball in the 1 asss. The book starts with his childhood and how he ivied in poverty.It tells about how his love for baseball started when he was sent away to an industrial school because he was caught stealing. The biography discusses his talents and what made Satchel Page one of the best athletes of his time. The book describes some the best times of his life and some of the worst times of his life. The biography also lets the reader know about the difficulty Of being Satchel Page at this time in history. We will write a custom essay sample on Satchel Paige or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Because he was an African-American during the time when America was segregated, there was low respect and payment for his talents.He was treated unfairly just because of the color of his skin. Even though America knew he was better than many of the white men in the major leagues, he was not given the chance to play with the white people for the first 30 years of his career. The biography also tells about Satchels love life, his two marriages and one divorce. It includes details about the important people in Satchels life and career, and it also describes his life as an old movie star.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Ffractional distillation lab report Sample

Ffractional distillation lab report Paper The purpose of this experiment is to observe what happens when two liquids with a boiling point of 79 and 100 degrees centigrade are heated together and allowed to boil over a specific period, to use the density to determine regenerate composition of ethanol and water and also to understand the process to separating a solution with different boiling points. Distillation deals with a mixture of liquids with different boiling points. It is only very effective when there is a significant difference in the different liquids boiling point. This is because every element has a unique boiling point due to the amount of bonds and structure of that fluid. Hence, understanding the structure and bonds of a fluid gives us more glimpse of what their densities may look like. However, In this experiment, the solution used was 50% ethanol and water. There normal boiling point is 79 and OIC degree centigrade respectively. Therefore, as the solutions get heated in the apparatus, the temperature begins to rise. The ethanol, Which has a lower boiling point than water Will vaporize and condensing into a liquid, which is collected in a beaker through temperature exchange in the condenser. We will write a custom essay sample on Ffractional distillation lab report specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Ffractional distillation lab report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Ffractional distillation lab report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In general, the purpose Of this experiment is to understand the exact process of separating a solution with different boiling points. Apparatus used Temperature probe hoses E)water Condenser with two F) mill graduated cylinder and 3 beakers Hot plate G) utility clamp Ethanol EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE We obtained and wore hand gloves. H) 3 boiling chips We assembled the distillation apparatus as shown in the lab manual . We used a mill graduated cylinder to obtain mm of water and ml of ethanol which we poured in our flask. We added 3 boiling chips to ensure the formation of bubbles and we noted the temperature we obtained our first drop. We used a clamp to hold the stopper fitting the probe into the flask in place and we slowly turned on he cold water tap We used a third utility clamp to secure the temperature probe wire We obtained 3 ml beakers which were labeled BBC and beaker A was placed at the end of the condenser and our hot plate was turned to it maximum setting. When ml was collected in beaker one, we removed it and placed beaker 2 and the same comic was collected for beaker 3. We determine and recorded the mass of ethanol obtained during our experiment. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The result from the data shows the density and percentage of water and ethanol in each fractions Of the experiment. In the distillation process, Mimi Of water and ml of ethanol was collected together however; only 50. Mil was collected meaning that since ethanol has a lower boiling point than water, most of the liquid obtained could be assumed to be ethanol especially during the first two fractions of the experiment. Also in this experiment, the amount of ethanol collected is in close relation to the temperature of the heated solution. This is because as the temperature increases and reaches the lower boiling point of ethanol, the amount of ethanol that was being dropped began to increase and it as observed that the first two transactions to ethanol was 98% pure with 2% water (error) which was reasonable and expected while the third fraction contained 78% ethanol with 22% fatter (error). This error occurred as a result of increase in the boiling point, which increased from degree (ethanol) to degree Celsius (water). This error could be controlled by reheating the solution continuously until the percentage of water is greatly reduce According to our observation, the temperature at, which eve experienced our first drop was 73 degree integrate and the boiling point of water in this experiment Vass found to be 89 degree Celsius because the water is diluted water. CONCLUSION In conclusion, the purpose Of our experiment was to identify the exact process of fractional distillation and to provide an accurate prescription about liquids With different boiling point during separation. The experiment performed using fractional distillation method yielded 98% ethanol and 2% water in the first two fractions meaning there was only 2% error. Therefore, the result was reasonable however, in the third fraction, we obtained 78% of ethanol and 22% error.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Wealth management Essays

Wealth management Essays Wealth management Essay Wealth management Essay The business expansion strategy is to make advantages of their strength in intermediary businesses, such as international business settlement, agency and wealth management, then drive the development of traditional commercial banking services, so that they can attract more premier foreign and local customers. Compared with Chinas banks, foreign banks dont have a branch network around the country, but they have stronger capabilities in products innovation, more professional expertise of international financial market trading and wealth management, etc, also they have a huge branch network around the world. Therefore, foreign banks firstly focus on international business settlement, foreign exchange trading. By providing those extra services that Chinas banks can not make, foreign banks can attract those premier customers that have oversea businesses and strong need for wealth management, then these customers may transfer their other businesses that are currently based at local banks, including RMB settlement, deposits and loans, etc, to foreign banks. The customer expansion strategy of foreign banks is to approach multinationals, joint ventures, foreign funded enterprises and Chinas leading domestic firms. Multinationals, joint ventures and foreign funded enterprises are first targets of foreign banks, not only because those firms have good business performance and credit records, but also their mother companies usually have strong link with those foreign banks. Foreign banks are also keen on Chinas leading firms, including those national teams that have strong oversea businesses, mighty private companies and premier high-tech firms. Obviously, foreign banks would not take risk to expand their business to all corporate customers. In a press conference held by Citibank in 2002, Mr. Huang Xiaoguang, the CEO of its Shanghai Branch stated, we merely focus on three categories of firms, including foreign global giants, Chinas big global firms and those domestic companies with strong international business, in which we can make full use of our global network advantage. We wont break through this customer territory and to do business with other general firms even after Chinas financial market is open completely after 2006. Current status of foreign banks businesses in China A recent survey conducted by FCSSIC (Financial Center of Social Science Institute of China) showed most of foreign banks had successfully extended their businesses in China, though their performance was very different from one another. Overall, the following characters can reflect the current status of foreign banks businesses in China by now: Firstly, the activity domain of foreign banks mainly concentrated in coastal cities. By the end of 2002, there are about 190 foreign banks have conducted their businesses in China. In particular, about 27 among 54 world top banks that are listed in the US Fortune world 500 have also operated in the country. It is obvious that most foreign banks are still keen on coastal cities, such as Shanghai, Nanjing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Tianjin, Dalian, etc, while many inland cities, excluding several top cities, such as Wuhan, Chongqing, Xian, their presence was rarely seen though these cities were on the governments opening outside list as well. Secondly, the business categories are extending quickly from foreign currency businesses to RMB businesses. In 1982, China government began to permit foreign banks to set up operating offices and conduct foreign currency businesses, their foreign money businesses have developed a lot ever since then. Currently, the main foreign exchange businesses of foreign banks covers financing business, loan and savings, international business settlement, investment, guarantee, business bills and consulting, etc. Then in 2002, some foreign banks were permitted to provide RMB business service to foreign customers in Shanhai, Shenzhen and Gaungzhou, and in fact, they extended this business to many foreign customers very quickly. Their customers were not only from those mentioned cities, but also from their neighbor provinces, such as Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Hunan and Guangxi. This fact witnessed that foreign banks have strong capability to expand their business. In February 2003, several top global giants, such as HSBC and Citibank, announced their grants of RMB businesses for Chinas domestic firms. Thirdly, the customers focus of foreign banks is mainly on first class joint ventures, multinationals, and Chinas big foreign-oriented firms, together with some public companies. Taking several top banks, for example, HSBC is keen on serving BP, Shell, Citibank focuses on GE, IBM, Software and Ford. The global banks are also very interested in such Chinas big state firms with oversea business, such as CNPC, Sinopech and COSCO. According to Chinas governments commitment, foreign banks are able to provide foreign exchange businesses for both domestic firms and residents early from Chinas WTO entrance, but the restrictions of areas and customers in RMB businesses will not be canceled until the end of 2006, therefore, the current competitions between Chinas banks and their global rivals are mainly reflected in foreign exchange businesses, especially concentrating on international business settlement and foreign exchange loan and savings, and the competing level is different in different cities. As the most advanced and international city in China, Shanghai sees most presence of foreign banks in this country, and the competition here is also most fierce. By the end 2002, there have been 53 operating foreign banks branches. 12 among which, including HSBC and Citibank, getting the permission of conducting comprehensive foreign currency businesses in the same year, covering both corporate banking and personal banking, local firms and local residents. A recent statistic provided by Shanghai Branch of Peoples Bank of China, showed that the growth rate of foreign currency savings of foreign banks had surpassed that of domestic banks in Shanghai in early 2002. Furthermore, some foreign banks in Shanghai have extended their businesses to the nearby provinces, including Zhejiang and Jiangsu, the most powerful economies of China. In the end of 2003, the total assets of foreign banks in Shanghai were about $27. 49 b, increasing by 35. 69% compared with a year ago. Total amount of loans were up to $12. 1b, growing by 15. 16% compared with 2002. Total savings was $7. 14b, growing at 56. 53%. In the same year, operating profit before tax of all foreign banks was $107m, in which the contribution of RMB business exceeded 50%, reflecting rapid growth of their RMB business. With the expansion of business and customers, foreign banks achieved great performance. In 2003, their market share in Shanghai banking sector in terms of total assets, savings and loans was 11. 84%, 3. 86% and 8. 64% respectively, much higher than a year ago. Shenzhen, as the symbol of Chinas opening to the outside world, owns the second largest scale of foreign banks in terms of both foreign currency assets and savings. Ever since the foundation of Shenzhen Branch of Hongkong Southsea Bank, the first foreign bank in the city, the amount of foreign banks has been growing. Up to early 2004, there were 25 foreign banks that have operating branches, together with 7 representative offices. The total staff of foreign banks are about 830, occupying 2. 6% of whole staff of Shenzhen banking sector. It was stated by Shenzhen Bureau of Banking Regulation, in the end of 2003, the total assets of foreign banks in Shenzhen were $7. 32b, total savings was $2. 33b. Thereinto, the absolute amount of savings enhanced by $0. 84b, with a growth rate of 55. 99% compared with last year. As a traditional financial center of North China, many eyes of foreign banks have turned to the city for years. By the end of 2002, there were about 14 foreign banks got presence in Tianjin, and 4 of which was authorized to conduct RMB business. Foreign banks firstly extended their international settlement business very quickly. In the end of 2002, market share of big four state banks in total foreign exchange assets was 82%, while foreign banks gained 0ver 10%. In terms of foreign currency loans, big four banks occupied 67%, compared with foreign banks 33%, which reflects Chinas domestic banks face heavy stress from foreign banks to compete in foreign exchange businesses.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Final Project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Final Project - Assignment Example Pricing is determined by the extra cost incurred in producing one extra unit of the commodity such that price is equated to marginal cost i.e. Price=MC.Since the main objectives of these firms is to maximize profit the following measures are appropriate for the respective firms. Firm 1: This firm should retain its price at 4 units and maintain it’s AVC at 3units so that it can maximize profit and minimize loss. This is because as long as P>AVC the firm will recover its cost of operation plus extra revenue which goes to profit. Firm 2: In this firm the price is 10 which equals MC at 10 and therefore qualify to be in the competitive market but since VC>TR it will make losses as the firm is not even meeting the break-even point. The policy to be adopted by the firm is to reduce the variable cost and squeeze the fixed cost which is not affected by the variations in output. Firm 3: In this firm the losses arises from employing many variable factor inputs which outweigh the fixed and therefore the best recommendation is a freeze in employing variable factor inputs like reducing the casual labor size. Firm 4: In this firm the price (25) is greater than AVC i.e. P>AVC and this already ensures that it beat the break-even point. This is responsible for its zero economic profit. For the firm to do better it either maintains its current output or reduce price. In a monopoly market, the firm tends to be the sole seller and therefore have power to give any price through manipulating of the output (Hall, Robert & Marc, p 64). Under this market structure, for profit maximization the MC=MR. In this respect the firms above needs the following