Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Heart of Darkness – Decay Within a Society

The conditions encompassing hugy affects the way of life of the more prominent number of occupants. The indigenous view, which is holds a plentiful measure of common assets, is in a condition of change and the manner in which the scene is dealt with, straightforwardly identifies with covetousness, narcism inside the general public, brutality in a profoundly numbers populated region, especially from created nations. In Joseph Conrad’s book Heart of Darkness , Conrad speaks to the rot of the indigenous landscape as a representation to the rot inside created nations, explicitly in England.This rot is an immediate aftereffect of the activities taken by the general public inside this indigenous view. Inside the book Heart of Darkness avarice is a gigantic portrayal toward the English and the view that they occupy. The English show an over the top voracious want for riches and assets . There covetousness and greedy want for wellbeing and assets take them to the core of the congo, wh ere elephants are butchered for there tusks that are ivory. The ivory is viewed as a high ware in England.The ivory represents insatiability and ruinous nature of man and specialists of the organization are so restricted with acquiring ivory that they overlook there ethics , supposed enlightened ways. This portrayals of the avarice over the ivory on the scene can be found in this statement found in the book Heart of Darkness â€Å" to remove treasure from the dishes of the scene was there desire† (Conrad 110). The craving or avarice over the land, and all the riches, and assets found in it, the impacts that it brings upon the scene can be demonstrated from this announcement found in the holy book â€Å" The covetous carry ruin to there households† (Psalms 10:3, NIV).This rot in this indigenous view came about however ravenousness is an immediate motivation behind why its rotting The rot of the indigenous landscape inside the book Heart of Darkness is a consequence of s avagery appeared through created nations explicitly England in the book. The viciousness and pitilessness portrayed in Heart of Darkness heighten from demonstrations of savagery submitted against the locals of the Congo to unspeakable and undescribed horrors.Kurtz who is speaking to European colonialists has deliberately occupied with human loot. The locals are seen fastened by iron collars adjoin their necks, starved, beaten, staying alive on bad hippo meat, constrained into soul smashing and useless work, lastly savagely killed. Past this, it is inferred that Kurtz has had human penances performed for him, and the peruser is given seeing a column of cut off human heads skewered on presents driving on Kurtz's cabin.Conrad recommends that viciousness result when law is missing and man permits himself to be governed by whatever ruthless interests exist in him. Under such conditions, the sky is the limit, and what Conrad sees rising up out of the circumstance is the significant brutal ity that lies at the core of the human spirit and results in the rot of the indigenous view â€Å"It was only burglary with viciousness, disturbed homicide on an extraordinary scale, and men grinding away blindâ€as is extremely appropriate for the individuals who tackle a darkness†(Conrad 5).This boundless savagery that Krutz has seen constrained upon the indigenous landscape inside the general public of the locals is a direct of the rot inside the indigenous view of created nations. All through the book Heart of Darkness narcism majorly affects the indigenous landscape. The English have a narcissistic mentality in the Heart of Darkness. A narcissistic disposition is an individual who is excessively self-included, and regularly vain and narrow minded. This narcissistic demeanor prominently affects the indigenous scenery.While the English have gotten so completely positive about there human advancements powers. In the book Heart of Darkness, the English enter the Congo imag ining that they are humanized, in light of there excessively self included, and vain and self-centeredness, they travel into the Congo taking ever significant important regular asset such and pulverizing the indigenous view. In Congo, be that as it may, fixated on ivory that renders him cash, status, and force, the first, Kurtz changes into a hired fighter, detestable crazy person, who â€Å"takes a high seat among the fallen angels of the land†.Krutz narcissistic mentality being excessively self included, and vain and self-centeredness takes an enormous measure of ivory, executing a lot of elephants, and slaughtering all the individuals that held him up â€Å"They would have been considerably increasingly noteworthy, those heads on the stakes, if their countenances had not been gone to the house†(Conrad 40) indicating that a narcissistic disposition is an immediate consequence of why the indigenous landscape is decayed.This rot is an immediate aftereffect of the activ ities taken by the general public inside this indigenous view. The indigenous view, which is an immediate consequence of the normal assets before us on the earth , that is in a condition of change and the manner in which the scene is dealt with, legitimately identifies with ravenousness and over surpassing quantities of individuals, especially from created nations. Conrad speaks to the rot of the indigenous view as a flat out illustration to the rot inside created nations, explicitly in England.These activities, for example, insatiability, viciousness, and narcissism taken by the created nations makes the indigenous landscape rot. Heart of Darkness †Result of rot on society Work Cited: â€Å"Heart of Darkness. † SparkNotes. Ed. Joesph Conrad. SparkNotes, 1 Jan. 2012. Web. 24 Oct. 2012. . Conrad, Joesph. â€Å"Heart of Darkness. † By Joseph Conrad. Search EText, Read Online, Study, Discuss. N. p. , July-Aug. 2012. Web. 24 Oct. 2012. . Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkn ess. New York: Knopf, 1993. Print.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Strategic Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Key Management - Research Paper Example Chinese market offers one of the most worthwhile speculation roads inferable from the fast financial advancement that it made during the ongoing past. Etisalat-a UAE based telecom organization is intending to make a section into the Chinese market. Being one of the developing firms on the planet offering media transmission benefits, the section of Etisalat into the Chinese market will stamp a fresh start throughout the entire existence of the firm. In any case, Chinese market presents various sorts of dangers and offer new and one of a kind open doors along these lines it is essential that Etisalat must get its work done and survey the circumstance with the assistance of various key systems and models so as to increase noteworthy understanding into the Chinese market. Etisalat (firm) began its tasks in 1976 and principally served UAE advertise by giving media transmission arrangements. Over the timeframe, be that as it may, it got one of the main telecom administrations suppliers in the Middle East Region and extended its tasks in excess of 18 nations of Asia, Africa just as Middle Eastern nations. Serving an absolute client base of 94 million, Etisalat is considered as the thirteenth biggest versatile administrations supplier on the planet. Such elevated level of entrance into the market in this manner shows that the firm has the ability and will to venture into new markets to make further an incentive for its investors. The dominant part investor is UAE government. (Huawei) Begun as a joint endeavor between the nearby accomplices from UAE and Britain’s International Aeradio Limited, Etisalat is currently to a great extent possessed by the UAE government with 60% shareholding while staying 40% is publically held. It is likewise a result of this explanation that Etisalat held the official support of being the main firm in UAE permitted to media transmission benefits inside the nation and outside the nation. The official help of the firm in this way further expanded its

Friday, August 21, 2020

Film genre, narration, reality tv :: essays research papers fc

Kinds (Investigated from â€Å"Film Art: An Introduction† by D. Bordwell and K. Thompson.) â€Å"Types of movies are generally alluded to as classes (articulated â€Å"zahn-rahz†). The word type is initially French and basically implies kind or type.† (Bordwell and Thompson, 2004: 108). Type bunches films, which share comparable filmic characteristics and subjects, into different subsections as per the sort of film they are related as. Different film sorts are unmistakable by the manner in which they are introduced and designed or the way that they depict a specific feeling or feeling, as those of silliness or loathsomeness. There is no unmistakable path by which we can characterize kind. A few movies consolidate different parts of various classifications, along these lines we can't characterize precisely what sort of reading material definition type it is and being that all individuals are unique, a parody to one individual might be a finished bore to the following. One might say, certain movies depict their class as an abstract conclusion. Film type, in the cutting edge filmic world today, is additionally exceptionally dependent on the on-screen characters that star in the component. Naturally we, as watchers, would connect muscle and huge height with an activity film, however incidental movies will in general merge these characters into totally unique subgenre, giving the film an extremely half and half, conventional feel to it. Types are methods for giving movies the planned affiliations. It is a show where individuals can allude to at first handle the idea of a film, â€Å"for the immense exposure framework that exists around filmmaking, kinds are a straightforward method to portray film. Truth be told, commentators are regularly focal in social affair and solidifying thoughts about genres.† (Bordwell and Thompson, 2004: 110). Classifications are useful in the overall population as they offer range to various individuals and their various tastes. It likewise suits for any mind-set one might be in on the off chance that they needed to watch a film. It portrays the movies and sorts them into place for the viewer’s delight, â€Å"At all degrees of the filmmaking and film-seeing procedures, at that point, classifications help guarantee that most citizenry share probably some broad ideas about the numerous movies that seek our attention.† (Bordwell and Thompson, 2004: 110) Most classes share explicit kind shows. Cliché plots or certain anticipated characters are required to show up during a film of an ideal classification. These are the shows which gathering films into subgenres. Other than visual and sound shows, those concerning mise-en-scene, cinematography, sound, lighting and altering, classes frequently likewise make limits around the kind of topical ideas that are introduced inside movies.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Essay Overcoming Obstacles - Is Your Personal Essay Just About As Easy As You Seem to Think?

Essay Overcoming Obstacles - Is Your Personal Essay Just About As Easy As You Seem to Think?In the earlier article of this series, I asked you if you had read the essays in the problems sections of the essay overcoming obstacles samples. If you didn't, then take note because this is going to be a series on the same topic. In the essay solving problems, I also asked what obstacles you faced in writing the essay and why you didn't overcome the obstacles.What if your entire essay was written, edited, proofread, and marked up and finally published without much difficulty? How would you feel about that? Would you be proud of yourself or frustrated?So, my question now is, what obstacles do you have to overcome when writing your own essay? If you are like most students, you probably will have plenty of obstacles that you need to overcome. Hopefully, you will solve most of these problems so that your essay is done with some ease.It is important to know how to write well when you write your e ssay, so that you can easily get the correct answer when you need it. You have to know how to draw attention to key parts of your essay so that others are interested. So, what are the obstacles? First, your essay is going to have a start and an end point. Sometimes, you are going to have a number of sentences in the middle of your essay, such as the 'Summary' and the 'Conclusion' of your essay.These are typically difficult to write and you may find yourself having a tough time with them, especially when you write a lot of them. So, you are going to have to remember to write these in a way that makes sense to the reader, even if it takes a little extra time to get it right.Just to make things more interesting, you may also find yourself having to write essays that cover a large number of topics and have various chapters to them. In other words, if you have lots of topics and chapters, then you will need to create lots of essays. But, make sure that you have a large number of essays s o that you can continue to gain academic credit.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Architecture Set In Motion Essay - 1570 Words

1. Bouffrand: Salon de la Princess, hotel de Soubise, Paris, France, begun 1730’s nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Salon de la Princess, is a many sided cylindrical interior room and is part of the Rococo style that incorporates minimal architectural features and light airy decor, that develops into a profession of interior design. Rococo is the revolt against complicated Baroque that decorated the interior of Versailles, in revolt against the palace and after the death of Louis XIV, French women who had city houses in Paris inspired a new lightened airy style of decor and architecture. As seen in the Salon de la Princess, the structure of the room has virtually been covered up by white walls of wood and mirrors, and it only contains hints†¦show more content†¦However, with the inspiration of the French landscape painter Claude, the landscape at this Palladian estate is completely manmade, with hills, lakes, trees, meant to look as nature had created it, and as in Claude’s’ landscapes it can be divided up into three layers, incorporating a dark fore ground, light middle ground and light hazy background. Stooped in classical Roman tradition the garden is a place to break the rules, and Stourhead has architectural samples from all over the world incorporated into the landscape as temples, grottoes, and classical statues together with a Chinese bridge, and Turkish tent, which set a president from 1750 on where naughty architectural elements present themselves in architectural structures. This eclectic style is the bases of 19th and 20th century American suburbs, including new ones being built around the outskirts of Richmond, Virginia today, while also emerging in 20th century architects as Wright, who in the Robbie House(1900s) combined inspirations from many different cultures past and present. 3. Pritchard and Darby: Iron Bridge, Coalbrookdale, England, 1770s nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;IronShow MoreRelatedMichelangelo Antonionis LEclise785 Words   |  3 Pagestheme of human detachment and alienation. He shows the difficulty of connection in an alienating modern world by focusing on the environment and isolation of characters. One of the first things that is strikingly noticeable in L’eclisse is Antonioni’s set-up of the environment. With the discordance of the music in the opening credits and the long shots that emphasize the empty space, we immediately get a sense of uncomfortable isolation in the beginning of the film. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Marijuana Essay - 837 Words

Marijuana Wether you call it Hemp, Mary Jane, Pot, Weed; it doesnt matter. It is still Cannabis Sativa, or cannabis for short. And it is still illegal. The use of marijuana as an intoxicant in the United States became a problem of public concern in the 1930s. Regulatory laws were passed in 1937, and criminal penalties were instituted for possession and sale of the drug. Marijuana refers to the dried leaves and flowers of the cannabis plant, which contains the non-narcotic chemical THC at various potencies. It is smoked or eaten to produce the feeling of being high. The different strains of this herb produce different sensual effects, ranging from a sedative to a stimulant. The term marijuana is a word with indistinct†¦show more content†¦This charcoal may be burned in todays coal-powered electric generators. Methanol makes a good automobile fuel, in fact it is used in professional automobile races. It may someday replace gasoline. Marijuana has many medical purposes also. The cannabis extract was available as a medicine legally in this country until 1937, and was sold as a nerve tonic-but mankind has been using cannabis medicines much longer than that. Marijuana appears in almost every known book of medicine written by ancient scholars and wise men. It is usually ranked among the top medicines, called panaceas, a word which means cure-all. The list of diseases which cannabis can be used for includes: multiple sclerosis, cancer treatment, AIDS (and AIDS treatment), glaucoma, depression, epilepsy, migraine headaches, asthma, pruritis, sclerodoma, severe pain, and dystonia. This list does not even consider the other medicines which can be made out of marijuana-these are just some of the illnesses for which people smoke or eat whole marijuana today. There are over 60 chemicals in marijuana which may have medical uses. It is relatively easy to extract these into food or beverage, or into some sort of lotion, using butter, fat, oil, or alcohol. One chemical, cannabinol, may be useful to help people who cannot sleep. Another is taken from premature buds and is called cannabidiolic acid. It is a powerful disinfectant. Marijuana dissolved in rubbing alcohol helps people with the skin diseaseShow MoreRelatedThe Legalization Of Marijuana And Marijuana Essay1314 Words   |  6 PagesMarijuana or Cannabis is one of the bused drugs in America and the rest of the world. Interesting accumulating evidence show that the significant negative impact of this drug outweighs the positive effects. However, the medical benefits of the drug seem on the process of chemical compounds as compared to the drug itself. Medical debates show that chemical compound in marijuana are the problem as compared to the plant. The said chemical compound affects the mental and physical health of the personsRead MoreThe Cons Of Marijuana And Marijuana1449 Words   |  6 PagesEmma Biggs/Regalia Political Studies 22 October 2014 The Cons of Cannabis Although it is a highly common defense that marijuana is not addictive, it in fact is. Many regular smokers find themselves ridden with very similar withdrawal symptoms of a tobacco addict (Marijuana Addiction Symptoms and Effects). Around 9% of people who use find themselves dependent on marijuana (Is Marijuana Addictive?). That may not seem like much, but that is almost 1 in every 10 people hooked on a drug that is supposedlyRead MoreThe Legalization Of Marijuana For Marijuana2792 Words   |  12 PagesThe legalization of marijuana in America Overview Issue The new events of legalizing marijuana for recreational use has increased controversy in the United States, those against it say it was bad enough before when it was merely allowed for medicinal use and now that these new laws and rules are really infuriating those who are against it. However on the flip side people are also arguing that now that it is allowed for recreational use people it will lessen crime rates, related to selling and buyingRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized? Essay1685 Words   |  7 Pagesof medical marijuana. However, the amount of licensed medical marijuana card holders was small until 2009, when the U.S Attorney General gave the prosecution and legalization of marijuana over to the states. After this, the number of medical marijuana licenses increased greatly in Colorado. Then, in 2012, the sale of recreational marijuana was legalized in Colorado, to all those over the age of 21, and retail stores began selling marijuana in 2014 (Monte). Public opinion on Marijuana is generallyRead MoreMarijuana Laws Restrict The Growth And Use Of Marijuana1513 Words   |  7 PagesMarijuana is â€Å" the dried leaves and female flowers of the hemp plant, used in cigarette form as [a] narcotic or hallucinogen.†(â€Å"Marijuana†) In the 17th century, marijuana production was encouraged and supported by U.S. legislation. Later, â€Å"during the 19th century,[marijuana] use became a fad in France and also, to some extent, in the U.S.†(â€Å" Marijuana Timeline†). During the 1920’s and 1930’s, the drug raised fears linked with illegal immigrants and criminal activity. (â€Å"Marijuana Timeline†). ThenRead MoreThe Legalization of Marijuana862 Words   |  3 PagesCannabis, also known as marijuana, is a plant which when consumed has psychoactive effects. It is believed to have been first used in the 3rd millennium BCE in what is now modern-day Romania (Rudgley). Throughout history, it has been known to b e used during rituals and ceremonies, becoming an important aspect of numerous cultures. It has become illegal to possess, sell or use marijuana in various countries beginning in the 20th century, despite that it’s used quite commonly. According to a UnitedRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized? Essay1587 Words   |  7 Pages Legalization of Marijuana Marijuana is not a recent discovery, but the mysteries surrounding the controversial topic in question remains to be disputed since its prohibition. Classified as an illegal substance, cannabis has been restricted in Canada and around the world. Marijuana is a complex drug and its contradictory claims of medical purposes, and harmful destruction, fuel the debate on whether or not the legal constraints of consuming marijuana should be reconsidered. In consideration of academicRead MoreThe Origns of Marijuana726 Words   |  3 Pages Coca, and Poppy). Therefore, Marijuana should be removed from the criminal justice system. Legalizing and regulation marijuana can bring cash crop under the criminal justice law, bring in jobs, medical use, and overall create economic opportunities to The United States of America. There has been reports of marijuana being less harmful than alcohol or tobacco. 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Recently, marijuana has been used for medicinal purposes, like aiding HIV/AIDs patients, healing migraines and controlling nausea caused by chemotherapy. Today, there are currently 21 American states that have legalized medicinal marijuana including two states that have legalized recreational marijuana. Since

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Prepositional and Phrasal Verbs Essay Example For Students

Prepositional and Phrasal Verbs Essay Demonstrations of power from Creon and Prospero play a very pivotal role in the plots of The Tempest by William Shakespeare and Antigone by Sophocles, two plays about power relations. Both Prospero and Creon are able to control the actions of those around them but instead abuse their power and use it as if they were gods. In the play Antigone, Creon, a king, uses his political power selfishly to rule over and force people to do what he wants. Prospero, from The Tempest, uses his magical powers to help his daughter and others, along with himself. Sophocles and Shakespeare show the audience how power can be abused so easily and how power relations dictate the two plays, yet each play has very different outcome. In Antigone, Creon uses his royal power, more for his own personal gain, with no real regard for his people. Throughout the course of the play, Creon abuses his power despite being warned of wrong doings. The play even begins with Creon abusing his power when he settled a decree that prohibited anyone from burying Polyneices dead body, decreeing that Hes to have no funeral or lament,/ but to be left unburied and unwept, (Sophocles p. We will write a custom essay on Prepositional and Phrasal Verbs specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now 10). Creon is proud of his decree, and he also states that he would be a good king by listening to what people had to say concerning his decisions. When Antigone breaks the decree, Creon sentences her to death, which angers the gods. The gods want the dead body of Polyneices buried, and they do not want Antigone to be put in a cave. Antigone questions Creons power compared to the gods, I did not think/ anything which you proclaimed strong enough/ to let a mortal override the gods/ and their unwritten and unchanging laws. (Sophocles p. 27) Creon was told by Haimon to change his mind, but Creon rejects his request and buries Antigone alive anyway. Teiresias warns Creon that the gods were angry and his actions were to be blamed. Creon rejects both Haimons request and Teiresias warning. This shows how Creon was able to abuse his power so easily and acted as if he were just as powerful as the gods, causing him to suffer in the end. Another case of when Creon abuses his power is when he rejects others suggestions in the scene with his son, Haimon. When Creon tells his son why Antigone is being punished, Haimon also rejects his fathers decision. Haimon believes that Antigone is not doing anything wrong, but instead, simply doing what the gods wanted. He respects his father, but he encourages him to change is stubborn ways, which is why Haimon asks Creon to end your anger. Permit yourself to change. (Sophocles p38). Haimon kindly asks Creon to change his mind for once and accept what others had to say, but Creon looses his mind and refuses to accept what Haimon had to say. Haimon tells of how Antigones death will only bring about the deaths of others, and Creon would never see him again. Creon claims that only he was right and yet again, he abuses his power for his own selfishness. After Haimon leaves, Teiresias, the blind profit, comes to tell Creon the gods are angry with him and that he is wrong in wanting to bury Antigone alive. Once more, Creon rejects the advice from a holy figure and does what he wants. Teiresias mentioned to Creon, just before he left, that he has dishonored the gods by putting Antigone into the cave. Teiresias tells Creon that is why evil will pursue him. .u098dbabeb0ec63ddef3cee8307a9f1a1 , .u098dbabeb0ec63ddef3cee8307a9f1a1 .postImageUrl , .u098dbabeb0ec63ddef3cee8307a9f1a1 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u098dbabeb0ec63ddef3cee8307a9f1a1 , .u098dbabeb0ec63ddef3cee8307a9f1a1:hover , .u098dbabeb0ec63ddef3cee8307a9f1a1:visited , .u098dbabeb0ec63ddef3cee8307a9f1a1:active { border:0!important; } .u098dbabeb0ec63ddef3cee8307a9f1a1 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u098dbabeb0ec63ddef3cee8307a9f1a1 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u098dbabeb0ec63ddef3cee8307a9f1a1:active , .u098dbabeb0ec63ddef3cee8307a9f1a1:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u098dbabeb0ec63ddef3cee8307a9f1a1 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u098dbabeb0ec63ddef3cee8307a9f1a1 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u098dbabeb0ec63ddef3cee8307a9f1a1 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u098dbabeb0ec63ddef3cee8307a9f1a1 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u098dbabeb0ec63ddef3cee8307a9f1a1:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u098dbabeb0ec63ddef3cee8307a9f1a1 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u098dbabeb0ec63ddef3cee8307a9f1a1 .u098dbabeb0ec63ddef3cee8307a9f1a1-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u098dbabeb0ec63ddef3cee8307a9f1a1:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Great Gatsby (559 words) EssayBy the end of the play, Creon finds that Antigone, Haimon, and his wife Eurydice had committed suicide, all because of his abuse of power and stubborn ways. In The Tempest, Prospero, the main character, has the most power out of anyone. He is able to uses magical powers, which he gained by reading books on the supernatural. Prospero uses his powers not only to help his daughter and others, but sometimes, abuses it for himself. Prosperos magical powers first come about when Miranda accuses him of starting the storm, by your art thy dearest father, you have / put the wild waters in this roar. (Shakespeare p. 68). Many people may believe Prospero created the storm to hurt the others on the boat, but he actually creates the storm out of love for his daughter who is seeking a husband. Prospero sees Ferdinand, who is on board the ship, to be a great match for his daughter. Prospero makes sure that no one is harmed or injured by the storm by sending a spirit, Aerial, to lookout over the ship. Another way Shakespeare demonstrates power is through relationships, more specifically, master/servant relationships. One example of this is how Prospero is the master of Ariel and Caliban. Although Prospero handles each of these relationships differently, both Ariel and Caliban are aware Prospero controls them. In the end of the play, Prospero gives up his powers and frees Ariel and Caliban from his control. In the case of both plays, the two protagonists have the ability to control the actions of those around them, one through shear will and the other through magical powers. In the tempest, magical power is used to bring morality to those who have seem to lost their way. It is used simply as a means to an end, and as a way to correct a wrongful act that had taken place years ago. In the end, the act of Prospero giving up his power indicates that power should only be used to accomplish good acts and then not be used again. Creon, on the contrary, uses power without sound judgment or wisdom. The consequence of this abuse of power is that he loses everything at the end of the play, including his power within his own family. Even though the plots between the two stories are drastically different, the moral of the story is the same: power should only be used in times of necessity and with a moral code.